Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Synchronized Multi-Leveraging

It's a rather large mouthful we know, but what does it mean?

Synchronized Multi-Leveraging is Blu's way of using multiple communication channels to convey the same message to a target audience. It usually takes 3 to 7 message touches to positively influence the target audience's mindset to react desirably to the sender's offer.

But how do you know which channels to use? The number of channels, and channels within channels, literally grows by the thousands daily (think blogs, web sites, etc.). So how are we able to clearly select the appropriate channels with any more success than finding a needle in a haystack? The key is in understanding that each segment of the population listens to a different channel mix. Blu's analytical process combines an understanding of WHO your most profitable targets will be, and WHICH channels they most likely will listen to, so that our customers' messages are heard loud and clear by the people WHO can put the most money on their bottom line. Sounds good doesn't it?

If you still are a little unclear, maybe a simple analogy will help. When I started dating my wife, Evie, I really wanted to know her better. So did I just send her a card and hope that would do the trick? NO! I "synchronized multi-leveraged" her by:

1) Sending her a card
2) Having flowers delivered with a note attached
3) Called her
4) Had mutual friends deliver positive messages about me
5) Went to see her so that she could see my intentions were firm

5 channels, the same message, and lucky for me, she (my "target audience") reacted positively to my offer of "let's go out tonight". It is truly how people have always communicated, Blu just knows how to do it across an entire customer base, by segment through a myriad of channels.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

WHY Roses?

A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but you would not be able to sell it for the same price. Why? Centuries of art, literature and smiles from wives receiving the "flower of love" have built equity into the name "rose". It is just a flower like all of the rest of them in terms of composition, but the rose has an elevated spot in our minds, much like many brands.

Don't let anyone tell you brands and brand names are not important. The brand name and feel is the personality of your buying proposition and to consumers, it is the reason WHY they prefer your companies goods and services over similar ones from your competitors. Discovering WHY people are attracted to your brand, and using that feedback to shape future product and marketing messages will keep your profit margins up and your customers loyal. Discovering lapses in your brand promise is also important. If you can quantitatively discern that you have a failure, it is imperative to identify and repair that issue before you lose credibility on a long term basis.

Discovering the good and bad of WHY people choose or reject your brand or offer is critical step in shaping a profitable marketing plan. We call that a WHY audit and when you combine it with the other six audits (questions) it will deliver one big idea that drives profit to your bottom line.