Thursday, February 25, 2010

Changing Channels

Growing up in the 70's and 80's, I vividly recall the Van Halen and ACDC posters that filled the walls of my room. Back then,new music was introduced through radio stations, cool posters and sampling at music stores, and of course concerts. Browsing the aisles of music stores was how most Americans narrowed down the search, and eventually purchased tracks they wanted to hear.

You are on ultra safe ground to assume that my taste of music has changed since the days of Rock'n' Roll. Occasionally if you are near,you might hear a classic like "Dance the Night away" or "Back in Black", but it will be coming from my Ipod. About the only thing that has kept pace with the changes in music itself, is the way music is purchased. CNET reported that in August of 2009, 25% of all music sales were through Itunes. That number is growing daily and has changed forever the venue and mode of music sales. Why? Data tags and intelligence combined with algorithmic search engines give you what you want, when you are looking for it. Even better, it invents desires for artists and songs you have no knowledge of, by using data to accurately predict music you will like.

Marketeers have learned the beauty of using data intelligence, and everyone is in a rush to apply that across all media channels. Especially, the on line channel, because it collects and implements data intelligence on the fly as consumers' key strokes unveil clues of their desires. If you asked a Music company CEO ten years ago, "How will you use the web to market your business?", most would have replied, "we will get a website up to direct people to our stores." Many are left wishing they would have thought that through a little more. They relied on old school channels instead of harnessing the right one.

It is no secret that the web channel is exploding and reaps a heavy ROI for those who know how to use it. Let me throw a stat at you though: some 2/3 or American wealth is in the hands of the boomers and their elders and they are the least tech savvy group. So what does that mean? There is a different channel mix for each unique segment in the overall consumer universe. Using data Intelligence as a guide to select, apply and manage the correct marketing channel mix is critical going forward. We call that a "Which" audit, defining which channels you need to use to influence your unique profitable customer segments. Tracking shows that it takes three to seven positive messaging touches, across multiple media channels to stimulate the desired behavior. Finding the correct mix of "Which" marketing channels to use and implementing them in a consistent, systematic way is a huge part of marketing in 2010.

Changing the channels is something we all need to think through.........

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The WHEN is NOW!

Recently on an overnight business trip to Winston Salem, N.C., I was craving a fresh, spicy tuna roll. I had never been to Winston Salem, and had not done any research prior to my arrival, so I was completely ignorant of any local restaurant information. Around 7:00, as my hunger mounted and demanded action, I whipped out my Blackberry and texted "sushi, Winston Salem" to Google. Within ten seconds, Google magically served up three tempting choices. Linking to the websites I was able to check out the menu, price range, user reviews and exact location of all three choices so that I was able to make a well informed decision that, in the end, was extremely satisfying. This entire, "sushi research project", occurred in the length of time it took to walk from my room, ride the elevator down to the first floor, and walk to the front lobby of my Hotel.

Why is this important? Marketing has changed. As marketeers, we had better be serving up hot messages when our customers are thinking about consuming the products, services or cause that we are representing. The web, messaging apps, and all forms of viral, social and immediate media are literally retraining consumers on how and when the "spend evaluation" process occurs. The consumption and donation process is now a more informed and reflexive action, and that trend only seems to be strengthening. Need more proof? Look at the American Red Cross' latest campaign, "text Haiti to 90999". In the wake of such a disaster, when media outlets across the world have awareness of the needs in Haiti sky high , the campaign was clever in the sense that the rallying cry became the desired action of the message. Smart, simple, affective and most importantly, placed so that people would see it during the height of awareness, the campaign is a huge success. If the campaign would have occurred a year ago would it have worked? I think not. And yes, there was still an extreme humanitarian need in Haiti long before the earthquake.

Identifying windows when your target audience is evaluating your product and service will be extremely profitable for you. We call that a "WHEN" audit. The WHEN audit is just one part of the seven question approach to successful marketing that we created. We have used our WHEN audit to help health insurers, banks, car care centers, energy companies and other customers invent success. We also have many BIG IDEAS for other verticals as well.

Don't forget, the WHEN is NOW.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The art and science of influencing behavior?

What does that mean? We are glad you asked!

Influencing behavior in 2010 is truly both an art and a science. Make no mistake about it, influencing behavior is the core function of all marketing efforts. To truly impact your audience, it takes heavy duty right brain creative activity matched with intense left brain research, modeling and logic to move the most profitable target audience towards a desired action.

If an incredible brand is splashed throughout the wrong media channels, broadcasting an undesirable offer, it will not work. Conversely, if you have rifle like precision in targeting efforts but are unable to communicate brand promises in your communication efforts, you are pretty much left to trading commodities.

Like the tin man of Oz, we believe that any company, charity, product or service can have a heart beat. If something has a heart beat, it has a personality and a dynamic and unique distinction that can then be used to systematically drive results.

If you are feeling like you might be missing the art or the science of influencing behavior, we are here to help. Now more than ever results truly matter.