Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The art and science of influencing behavior?

What does that mean? We are glad you asked!

Influencing behavior in 2010 is truly both an art and a science. Make no mistake about it, influencing behavior is the core function of all marketing efforts. To truly impact your audience, it takes heavy duty right brain creative activity matched with intense left brain research, modeling and logic to move the most profitable target audience towards a desired action.

If an incredible brand is splashed throughout the wrong media channels, broadcasting an undesirable offer, it will not work. Conversely, if you have rifle like precision in targeting efforts but are unable to communicate brand promises in your communication efforts, you are pretty much left to trading commodities.

Like the tin man of Oz, we believe that any company, charity, product or service can have a heart beat. If something has a heart beat, it has a personality and a dynamic and unique distinction that can then be used to systematically drive results.

If you are feeling like you might be missing the art or the science of influencing behavior, we are here to help. Now more than ever results truly matter.

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