Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Have we become accustomed to settling for mediocrity?

When was the last time you were in a situation where you thought someone had exceeded your expectations? Quite frankly, it has been a long time for me. It seems people are willing to just do the minimum and are happy with the results. I looked up the word mediocrity to see what the dictionary said and, sure enough, it confirmed average and second rate as the definition. Have we become so accustomed to “average” being the norm that we have forgotten how to expect excellence? Is excellence and giving 150% a bad thing? Especially when we look at it in the context of generating revenue to the bottom line. When did we start settling for mediocrity?

What is the difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary? That little “extra” right? Extra-ordinary is alive and well at Blu. You might then ask, “That sounds good but, what is so extra-ordinary about Blu?”

> Extra-ordinary respect for our clients
> Extra-ordinary passion to serve our communities and in communities around the world
> Extra-ordinary blend of logic and creativity
> Extra-ordinary ability to produce great results (and quantify them as well)

We deliver exceptional results for our clients because we refuse to settle for mediocre ideas. If you feel as though you are in need of extra-ordinary, step out of the ordinary and into the Blu.

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